Historical Maps


This is a proof of concept project in collaboration with world famous libraries to curate a unique online collection that showcases pre-1900 maps of Southeast Asia. The platform seeks to enhance public and scholarly access to and understanding of historical maps by introducing enhanced search functionality, enriched metadata and map stories.

Target Audience


Competitor Analysis: David Rumsey Map Collection, Harvard Imperiia Project

Data Gathering: online survey, interviews

Establishing Requirements: personas, use cases

Prototyping: low-fi prototype, hi-fi prototype

Evaluation: usability testing, focus groups

Colour Palette

A maroon palette is chosen which represents knowledge and history, as metaphor of encyclopedia book for early maps.





The Design


Coordinating across maps and facilitating dialogue between collections with various exploration pathways.


Filter search result by curated metadata, browse results with contemporary geolocation coverage displayed in parallel.


Improving the map discoverability by enhanced metadata linked to detailed map content, including translation, map description, geolocation, features iconography, content recommendation.


Linking maps to relevant contemporaneous source materials with a storyline.